Ujian Nasional 2010 memang penuh dengan kontroversi. Hal ini bermula dari dikeluarkannya Permendiknas UNAS 2010 oleh Mendiknas yang baru, beberapa keputusan tersebut dapat Anda baca (download) sendiri dalam lampiran di bawah ini:
Begitulah keputusan yang di keluarkan Menteri Pendidikan yang baru. Meskipun ada sebagian pihak yang setuju namun tak sedikit pihak yang menentangnya. Mereka mempunyai alasan yang berbeda-beda menanggapi keputusan tersebut.

Yang mengejutkan dari permendiknas tersebut yakni adanya aturan teknis pelaksanaan dimana peserta unas tidak akan melakukan ujian di sekolahnya sendiri melainkan harus diacak dengan sekolah-sekolah lain yang satu rayon dengan sekolah tersebut.

Namun setelah beberapa minggu, ada kabar bahwa peraturan ujian nasional yang nomaden itu akan direvisi, sehingga kemungkinan besar tidak jadi dengan sistem nomaden tersebut.

A big problem of our environment is trash problem. It must become an environment issue that must be concerned by people.

Perhaps one trash that can’t be recycled isn’t a big problem for us. But it is a super problem for our environment, because the trash can disturb the natural balance.

Trash (unable be recycled) like plastics is too hard to be decomposed by decomposer. Trash (unable be recycled) is made from chemical materials and inorganic substances.

Generally, trash (unable be recycled) disturbs our health. A lot of them contain much of poisonous chemical materials like mercury, carbons, arsenic substances and etc; moreover a lot of people discard them randomly. It isn’t banished at its places. They become a pollutant on the ground or in the water, and even in the long times they can influence the climate change indirectly.

They decrease the cleanness quality; there are many kinds of trash. They are much of colors, types and characters, moreover if they decay; they will disturb our sight and smell. And in fact, the trash is the worst thing.

Those are some problems that is caused by the trash that unable be recycled. So, don’t discard them randomly, we must discard them to its places not in the ground, water and even on the air. Keep our environment clean, beauty and comfortable for us and our children then, whenever, whenever and whatever.

by: chamim tohari at kemom.wp/chamim-area