MC jack twitter : " 여의도 엠비씨 구내식당 4000원짜리 점심으로 치킨스테이크섭취...가격대비 진짜 괜찮단말이지..맛도좋고..우결마치고 귀가중..용서의 스키장에피..쿤톨의 집들이..잼남! 토요일 닥본사!..V587~!!!
Youeido Island MBC Canteen, Chinese Rice which costs 4000 Won, Ate Chicken and Beef. The price is not bad, the taste too. I’m on the way home after WGM Recording. YongSeo’s Skiing Date, Khuntoria’s House Warming, They are really Interesting! Do anticipate this Saturday’s Show. V587!